Maidstone Property News

The average Maidstone home annually produces 3.763 tonnes of CO2, compared to the national average of 4.101 tonnes

Due to the particular individual nature of the properties in Maidstone and their construction type, with suitable improvements in insulation, double glazing and draught-proofing, Government statistics state that this could be reduced to 2.205 tonnes for Maidstone homes if suitable work (as per the Green Homes Grant) was carried out.

Why is this important? Well UK householders spend £34.735bn a year on their electric and gas bills – this is a lot of money. In fact, looking specifically at Maidstone properties...

Maidstone householders spend £614.88 per year on heating their homes (compared to the national average of £669.34 per year)

Yet, if Maidstone householders carried out the energy improvements that ‘The Green Homes Grant’ suggests their energy bills for heating alone would reduce to £467.36 per year ... quite a saving over a decade and beyond (enough to buy a decent holiday – whatever one of those is!).

So, with Maidstone homeowners and Maidstone landlords being able to spend the grant on loft, floor and wall insulation, low carbon gas boilers, heat pumps, double or even triple-glazed windows, energy-efficient doors and low energy lighting … everyone should win – the environment, the economy and household budgets. More details on the scheme should be released by the Government in August.